I visited a friend of mine at the New England Baptist Hospital who was recovering from knee surgery. To aid in rehab after the surgery and to prevent strain on his knee as he recovered, his physical therapist suggested a “knee and hip surgery survival kit”. The kit consisted of a cane to help reduce load on his joints, a grasper on a stick to help him reach, grab and pick up objects and a piece of bent plastic with a rope designed to help him put on socks without bending and stressing knee. The cost of the survival kit was $150.00.
As a friend, I watched him make a number of unsuccessful attempts to use that “survival kit” and noted his growing frustration. As an engineer, I couldn’t help but think about how this “survival kit” could be made much better, easier to use, much less expensive and with all of the functions combined into one device that he could take with him anywhere.
As I developed my ideas, I also considered the plight of others who, for whatever reason including age, lack of flexibility, strength or height are unable to move freely and easily accomplish every day tasks. I set out to design an all-in-one Handy Cane™ that would be light, strong, and easy to use and one that would return independence and convenience to these people’s lives.
As an engineer, I’m fortunate to have a great team, access to state of the art design and manufacturing equipment and a deep understanding of how to design and implement form and function with elegance and simplicity.
After a rigorous development cycle, my company, MOST Corp, has produced, tested and is pleased to present its revolutionary all-in-one “Handy Cane.” Weighing in at less than one pound, the Handy Cane™ comes with an embedded modular grasper-grabber designed to make everyday life easier for the elderly, the physically impaired and those recovering from medical procedures including common knee and hip replacement surgeries. The all-in-one Handy Cane™ is sleek, functional and strong making it the only cane you will ever have to buy.
If you decide to purchase a Handy Cane for yourself, or for someone close to you, please tell us your story.